Solar generators, inverters, batteries, solar panels

See the full range of solar and battery products in our database.

Power usage requirements

1. What are you powering?

Add some devices to your system

Drag devices above to add to your system
  1. microwave
  2. Microwave
  3. lamp
  4. LED Lamp
  5. tv
  6. TV
  7. fridge
  8. Fridge
  9. dishwasher
  10. Dishwasher
  11. coffee_machine
  12. Coffee Machine
  13. game_console
  14. Game Console
  15. toaster
  16. Toaster
  17. window_ac
  18. Window AC
  19. fan
  20. Fan
  21. wifi
  22. Wifi Router
  23. laptop
  24. Laptop
  25. desktop_computer
  26. Desktop
  27. phone
  28. Cell Phone
  29. cpap
  30. CPAP
  31. gas_water_heater
  32. Gas Water Heater
  33. ev
  34. EV - Lvl 1
  35. electric_blanket
  36. Electric Blanket
  37. chest_freezer
  38. Chest Freezer
  39. resistance_cooktop
  40. Resistance Cooktop
  41. induction_cooktop
  42. Induction Cooktop
  43. air_pump
  44. Air Pump
  45. space_heater
  46. Space Heater
  47. central_ac
  48. Central AC
  49. blender
  50. Blender
  51. pressure_cooker
  52. Pressure Cooker
  53. electric_grill
  54. Electric Grill

Choose an inverter

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